
Coenzyme Q10 and its role as an Anti-Aging Nutrient 

In the body, coenzyme Q10 is an essential element of the cell’s mitochondrial membranes. Coenzyme Q10 is also manufactured as a fat soluble dietary supplement and has been used in various human clinical studies showing many health benefits. 

The mitochondria is found in every cell of the body and is considered the powerhouse of the cell where energy is made. Each cell can have as many as 100 or 1000s of mitochondria in each one of them (Cole LW, 2016). 

Coenzyme Q10 is utilized in the mitochondria to manufacture energy in a process called oxidative phosphorylation, which produces adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Coenzyme Q10 operates as an antioxidant in cell membranes and lipoproteins. 

There is a great deal of research to show how coenzyme Q10 provides support to the heart muscle tissue and blood vessels, but also there is evidence it protects the brain, lungs and the central nervous system as well as providing support to other body systems and tissues. 

Coenzyme Q10 helps to extend lifespan 

It is known that in humans, coenzyme Q10 levels decline with aging (De Barcelos IP, Haas RH, 2019). Also, as a supplement, it has been shown to promote longevity. In animal research, those that took oral coenzyme Q10 supplements had a significant longer life span than those that did not take the supplement (Quiles JL et al, 2004). 

It has been stated by research investigators that administering coenzyme Q10 as a supplement has anti-aging properties, especially when there is a great deal of oxidative stress, which occurs during certain health conditions ( Díaz-Casado ME et al, 2019). 

It is clear that one of coenzyme Q10’s major functions is that it is a powerful antioxidant, which has the ability to inhibit lipid peroxidation in the mitochondrial membrane. It is known that aging involves a buildup of intracellular rubbish, which includes oxidative damage remains (Nilsson MI, Tarnopolsky MA, 2019). Therefore, coenzyme Q10 helps to extinguish the presence of the free radicals that cause the damage.

Coenzyme Q10 Support to the Brain 

It has been shown that when there is chronic oxidation, the mitochondria has functional problems within cells and results in inflammation, which leads to neurogenerative problems. This occurs in many regions of the body including the brain. Coenzyme Q10 has been shown to benefit mental health and provide support to individuals with headache discomfort. One older human clinical study showed that individuals who were depressed had significant lower plasma coenzyme Q10 levels than in normal subjects (Maes M et al, 2009). The study showed that 51.4% of the depressed subjects had plasma coenzyme Q10 levels that were lower than the lowest plasma coenzyme Q10 levels identified in the control group. 

Coenzyme Q10 Provides Protection to the Lungs 

It has been shown that individuals who have elevated oxidative damage in the lungs, have low coenzyme Q10 levels, which pose a greater chance of lung problems (Fujimoto S et al, 1993). A study showed that individuals who were administered with coenzyme Q10 for 8 weeks had a significant increase in coenzyme Q10 levels, improved blood oxygen levels and oxygen pressure in pulmonary arteries (Fujimoto S et al, 1993). This demonstrates that coenzyme Q10 helped to improve the flow of oxygen to move from the lungs to the blood. The overall data showed that coenzyme Q10 is helpful to the lungs. 

In summary, coenzyme Q10 is found in the mitochondria, but also it is a fat soluble supplement which has demonstrated major antioxidant benefits throughout the body. It is clear that levels diminish with age and there is benefits for taking a supplement. Coenzyme Q10 provides support to the heart, the brain, and the lungs among many other body systems. 

This article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 

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